
What Lifting 1000lbs Can Teach You About Goals?

At the start of this year, I made the goal to join the 1000lb club. That is being able to bench press, squat, and deadlift a combined 1000lbs of weight.

It is no easy feat, reaching goals can be hard. Being a tall and skinny person has its advantages but not in weight lifting. Longer limbs mean longer pushes and pulls. What was I thinking?

Where am I at?

“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable” – Seneca

The first step after choosing a goal is figuring out where you currently stand. I used an excel spreadsheet on my phone to record my weights and tracked what I ate daily. By keeping a close record of your results and using measurable metrics so you can track your progress.

I started to feel the psychological benefits that occur after improvement. Micro successes compound. These benefits included increased determination, boosted self-confidence in abilities, and the release of the happiness chemical known as dopamine.

Financial Parallel: Knowing where you are at is essential in determining where you can go. Find out your net worth, cash flow, and other key metrics by using financial planning software (we use RightCapital) or nerd out with excel.

Seek Help

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” — Kenichi Ohma

After going to the gym for a couple of months, I was a long way away from my goal.  Only able to do a little more than half of the goal at 515 pounds.

I realized if I was going to succeed, I needed some help so I did what most of us during the internet age do – went to Youtube. Youtube is a great place to find how to do many things. There is a ton of great information, however, it is totally chaotic and disorganized. I needed something more tailored to my body type, my situation, and laser-focused on my goals. Specifically assistance with lifting technique, weight lifting schedule, and meal plan.

This is where Brandon, a trainer at my local gym, came in. For a nominal fee, he gave me a clear picture of how to reach my goals. He is NASM certified in weight lifting and is a powerlifter himself so I knew I could trust his advice. I was advised to start a high protein diet with protein shakes, taught how to lift properly, and given a lifting training plan. He is also an accountability partner. He asks me monthly if I am getting closer to my goal and if the plan needs to be tweaked.

Financial Parallel: There are many questions out there when it comes to personal finance and investments. Reach out to an experienced professional who can help you make a plan and answer the questions you may be missing.

Stay Flexible

“Obstacles are frightful things when you take your eye off your goal.” Henry Ford

Bad things happen. Three months into 2020, COVID-19 is starting to look like a bigger issue than just a common cold. All large gathering places are shut down including gyms. Mother Nature reminding us how little your plans mean her.

Brandon’s plan was no longer useful except for a handful of body only exercises (push-ups, sit-ups). After watching a few David Goggins videos, I replaced benchpress with push-ups, deadlifts with pull-ups, and three-mile runs for squats. I couldn’t do the plan, I had to adapt. 

Financial Parallel: Plans are not perfect. A loss of a job, a large medical bill, or another unexpected event can occur. Relax, be malleable, and adjust the plan when needed.


Now we are sitting in late November. Gyms have reopened and the vaccine is on the way (fingers crossed). I am about 150 pounds away from my goal, with a little more than a month left before the end of the year. Are you close to reaching your 2020 financial goals?

The pressure is on!

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